*Menu prices may differ at selected restaurants and for delivery.

English menu is available for your convenience
McDonald's menu and allergen/nutrition information is available in English for the convenience of our customers, except for the information listed below, which is currently available only in Japanese in McDonald’s Japan website.
  • Information and notes on products and availability
  • Details of products containing allergens
  • Details of product nutrition information
  • Country of origin

*McDonald’s Japan’s allergen information only covers 8 ingredients which must be indicated on the label and 20 which are recommended by Japanese Food Labeling Standard (Food Labeling Act) as of September 2024.

You can also place an order in English on our official app. Several restaurants also have English menus on hand, so please ask our crew if you are looking for an English menu.


Egg McMuffin® Happy Set
Egg McMuffin® Happy Set
Chicken McNuggets® Happy Set
Chicken McNuggets® Happy Set
Hotcakes Happy Set
Hotcakes Happy Set
Petit Pancakes Happy Set
Petit Pancakes Happy Set

Regular Menu

Chicken McNuggets® Happy Set
Chicken McNuggets® Happy Set
Cheeseburger Happy Set
Cheeseburger Happy Set
Hamburger Happy Set
Hamburger Happy Set
Petit Pancakes Happy Set
Petit Pancakes Happy Set

※Click the image or product name to learn more about allergen/nutrition information, and other details.
※All displayed prices are tax included and a single, tax-inclusive price applies for both eat-in and takeout (inc. drive-thru) orders (tax-exclusive price may differ).
※Menu prices may differ at selected restaurants. Selected restaurants are special location restaurant, urban restaurant, and semi urban restaurant.
※Some products are not available at all restaurants.
※“Bai Burger” menu is available for all regular burgers except for “Roasted Soy Sauce Double Thick Beef” and “Roasted Soy Sauce Bacon Tomato Thick Beef”.
※Breakfast is available until 10:30am, Regular Menu is available from 10:30am and Yoru Mac menu is available from 5:00pm
※Asa Mac orders are accepted until 10:20am for Mobile Order & Pay and McDelivery
※HiruMac is available between 10:30am and 2:00pm on weekdays
※McShake®, McFloat®, Soft Twist, McFlurry® are available between 10:30am and 1:00 am the next day
※McShake® products may contain other flavors due to the characteristics of the machine, which may affect allergen information during McShake® limited time offer promotions. Please check the latest information with each order.
※For customized products, exact information may vary. Please be aware that customization is not a service that completely eliminates allergens.
※Oreo and the design of the Oreo cookie are trademarks licensed by the Mondelez International Group.
※McCafé® menu at McCafé by Barista stores availability is subject to McCafé by Barista counter business hours.
※McCafé® menu is not available for purchase at the drive-thru at some McCafé by Barista stores.
※Coupons for shareholders are not redeemable for Shaka Shaka Potato® Ume-Nori Salt Flavor and Shaka Shaka Potato® Garlic Pepper Mayo Flavor.

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