*McDonald’s Japan’s allergen information only covers 8 ingredients which must be indicated on the label and 20 which are recommended by Japanese Food Labeling Standard (Food Labeling Act) as of September 2024.
You can also place an order in English on our official app. Several restaurants also have English menus on hand, so please ask our crew if you are looking for an English menu.※Products available in M size can be changed to L size with 50 yen~ upcharge. Hot tea, and Premium Roast Coffee (hot) are not available in L size.
※McShake® is available in M size with 50 yen~ upcharge.
※When choosing Minute Maid® Orange for your set drink, a S size will be presented with the price unchanged from M-sized sets.
※Café Latte and Caramel Latte are available in S size with 50 yen~ upcharge.
※Café Latte and Caramel Latte are available in M size with 70 yen~ upcharge.
※Suntory Kuro Oolong Tea#Strong is available with 50 yen~ upcharge.
※McFloat® is available with 70~ yen upcharge.
※McFizz® Peach Lemonade is available with 50 yen upcharge.