McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Our PlanetWe take climate action seriously—for the planet and our future. To achieve our goal of “Net Zero Emissions by 2050,” we proac-tively engage in initiatives for global climate change and environmental issues as a mem-ber of society to contribute to environmen-tal conservation, considering and taking actions to reduce the impact of our business activities on the environment.11McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023IntroductionFood Quality & SourcingJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentWe are taking climate action and working to change to more sustainable packaging and Happy Meal® toy materials.We have set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50.4% compared to 2018 in our restaurants and office and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50.4% (in facilities, logistics, and plastic packaging), and 16% (in beef <including dairy cattle> and poultry) in our supply chain by the end of 2030.Our Planet12 Climate Action14 Packaging, Happy Meal Toys & Food WasteCommunity ConnectionDataOur Planet

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