McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Working toward net zero emissions by 2050, we have set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50.4% compared to 2018 in our restaurants and offices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50.4% (in facilities, logistics, and plastic packaging), and 16% (in beef, including dairy cattle, and poultry) in our supply chain by the end of 2030. We are also striv-ing to optimize our efforts to reduce our environmental impact, including energy management at our restaurants, the use of electricity generated from renewable energy sources, and the introduction of energy-saving equipment.As initiatives to reduce energy con-sumption during the transportation of ingredients and materials, we are leveling and improving the efficiency of delivery operations in the supply chain and adopting modal transportation of materials.Our PlanetSigned Agreement to Promote the Use of Wood in Buildings with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries13McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023 staff implements inspection and clean-ing of equipment according to a set schedule. “Planned Maintenance System,” a calendar-based system that allows any of the restaurant staff to perform maintenance, contributes to the mainte-nance of equipment efficiency and reduction of energy waste.IntroductionFood Quality & SourcingIn February 2023, we signed the Agreement to Promote the Use of Wood in Buildings with the Forestry Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to collaborate on the promotion of using domestic wood.Jobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentCommunity ConnectionDetail of Initiatives to Achieve the Plan Use a total of 5,550m3 of locally sourced wood over a three-year period, based on a plan of using at least a certain amount of locally sourced wood per restaurant. Use legally harvested wood confirmed by the registered wood-related business entities based on the Clean Wood Act. Actively communicate the significance and ben-efits of using wood.DataInitiatives in logisticsEnergy ConservationIntroduction of Green ElectricityThe use of electricity derived from renewable energy, such as solar, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, is making progress. In 2023, this was introduced to 134 restaurants in the Kansai area, bringing the total to approximately 350 restaurants nationwide. Through this initiative, we aim to achieve zero CO2 emissions from the use of lighting, air conditioning, and other electrical equipment in our restaurants. We are also in the process of test-ing solar panel installations to make effective use of restaurant roofs. More focus will be placed on energy-saving measures and the use of energy sources with a lower environmental impact.Carbon-Free Initiatives

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