McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

]seasni illineyno 1/ l m㎏[86420We are transitioning to Happy Meal toys made of sustainable materials, including renewable materials, and implementing “Happy Meal Toy Recycling” for plastic toys, which is one of the largest programs of its kind in Japan.Number of toys collectedTotal of approximatelyNumber of trays made from toy recyclingTotal of approximatelyInitiatives to Reduce Leftover FoodProduct Waste per 1-million-yen salesOur PlanetWe are working on the reduction of food waste and food recycling to convert inedible food into energy, reduce food waste, and cut down greenhouse gas emissions from food waste.zWe are working with our customers to reduce food waste due to leftovers. For example, McDonald’s offers a variety of menu items and sizes, allowing cus-tomers to choose the amount they can eat. Also, sugar, milk, and other condi-ments for drinks are served after asking customers the amount they need.Food waste rate15McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023<Bioplastic toys>My Melody Kuromi©2023 SANRIO CO.,LTD. APPROVAL NO. L638017<Paper toys>Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan™ ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.IntroductionFood Quality & SourcingThe “Made for You” system, where products are made to order, was introduced in 2001. The system enables restaurants to serve freshly made products quickly and also greatly reduces the amount of finished product waste compared to the time when products were prepared in advance.Jobs, Inclusion & Empowerment* discarded edible food (kg) ÷ food purchases (kg)Community Connection* includes outbreak con-trol based on a periodic report for food recyclingCollects and McDonald's restauranttransports coffee Delivered to restaurantsLettuce farmerFood waste is converted to feed, fertilizer, and biomass fuel according to the priority order stipulated in the Food Recycling Law.Kitchen waste is converted to feed, fertilizer, and methane gas at some restaurants in Tokyo.Almost all the used cooking oil (frying oil) from our nationwide restaurants is mainly recy-cled into chicken feed. In addition, french-fry scraps from some restaurants in Osaka Pre-fecture are converted into animal feed.Some restaurants in Himeji City, Hyogo Pre-fecture are participating in a circular recycling initiative. They convert used coffee grounds into compost that is used by farmers in Kaga-wa Prefecture to grow lettuce, which is in turn served to customers.Food recycling rate*Mixed feedRecycling plantgroundsRecycled compost is sent to farmers<As of December 2023>Data12Period for introduction of “Made for You”1020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Plastic Reduction and Recycling of Happy Meal® ToysFood WasteFood Waste Reduction“Made for You (MFY)” SystemFood RecyclingToys Made of Sustainable MaterialsWe introduced illustrated books and picture books to Happy Meal toys in 2018, switched to FSC-certified paper packaging for toys in 2022, and introduced toys made of bioplastic materials in 2023.Toy RecyclingSince 2018, Japan has been implementing an initiative for collecting and recycling Happy Meal toys from nationwide restaurants.Participation in recycling and seeing the green color trays used in our restaurants provides an opportunity to think about the environment from a young age.19million units512,5002.3%68.6%

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