McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

The products we serve to customers are managed by our own quality and food safety management system based on international standards, such as the GFSI certification level, which are embedded from farm to processing plants, logistics, and food preparation at our restaurants.PACE, HACCP, and other sanitation management methods are adopted by our restaurants to manage product safety.Supplier Code of ConductSuppliers Workplace Accountability Food Quality & SourcingFarm assessmentWater quality controlPesticide, fertilizer managementetc.Confirm the effectiveness of the system through an audit programHACCP (factories)Product inspection programetc.GMPQIP (Quality Inspection Program)etc.*5Relevant laws, regulations, and Logistics/WarehouseHACCP (logistics)GWP/GDPGMP/HACCPrequirementsHACCP (restaurants)GMPSSOP18McDonald’s additional quality standardsGFSI approval schemeFSSC22000/BRC/IFS/SQF etc.RestaurantMcDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023Introduction*International Standards for Good Agricultural PracticesOur Planet* 1 Global G.A.P. Plus Add-on: Good Agriculture Practice *2 SQMS: Supplier Quality Management System *3 DQMP: Distributer Quality Management Program *4 PACE: Perfor-mance And Customer Excellence to improve operations and provide consulting platform *5 HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control PointThe food production process is managed by McDonald’s Supplier Quality Management System (SQMS), a food safety management system in line with the Global Food Safety Initiatives (GFSI) founded by relevant laws and regulations including McDonald’s additional quality stan-dards. We conduct various tests and evaluations includ-ing sensory evaluation, and microbiological and phys-iochemical test analysis to ensure quality assurance.FarmJobs, Inclusion & Empowerment*1We have a traceability system with the ability to trace back the production history from finished goods to raw materials. This will enable us to quickly identify root caus-es as well as implement countermeasures in case of an incident.Processing*2Community Connection*3Traceability SystemCrisis Control Product Inspection Program, etc.*4etc.DataCompliance with Relevant Laws and RegulationsHuman RightsAn audit program to ensure the promotion and Program (SWA)execution of the code of conductEnviron-mentalWorkEnvironmentConservationBusiness IntegrityQuality Assurance System—From Farm to CustomerFood Manufacturing Process ManagementTraceabilityGlobal G.A.P.Plus Add-onSQMSDQMPPACEFundamental Principles for SuppliersTo ensure responsible sourcing, it is essential to identify suppliers who have the right technology, management, and social responsibility to produce high-quality food. To that end, we require our sup-pliers to comply with the Supplier Code of Conduct. This code of conduct contains fundamental princi-ples for partnering with McDonald’s and stipulates relevant laws and regulations, human rights, work environment, environmental conservation, and busi-ness integrity. Details regarding the code of conduct are specified in the “Suppliers Workplace Account-ability Program (SWA),” and suppliers are expected to implement and maintain this program.GAP Good Agriculture PracticeIn 2010, we introduced the McDonald’s-GAP cer-tification, and as of 2023, all lettuce producers are McDonald’s-GAP certified. GAP requires meet-ing more than 100 items for production process management, such as the investigation of soil and water used for production, proper field manage-ment, and handling of agricultural chemicals. In 2022, we introduced the Global G.A.P. Plus Add-on, a combination of Global G.A.P.* and McDonald's GAP, to further ensure food safety.

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