McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Jobs, Inclusion & Empowermentemployer of choice in every town around the worldWe stand behind the words of Ray A. Kroc, founder of Mc-Donald’s, who said, “We are not a hamburger business serving people, but we are a people business serving hamburgers.”At McDonald’s, we provide growth opportunities and continue to develop a workplace where employees and crew members from different backgrounds can help each other to grow and advance and promote a work style and environment in which anyone can play an active role. We will continue to engage in actions that further brighten the future of our crew and con-tribute to the overall society.Jobs, Inclusion & Empowerment24 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)27 Talent Development and Career29 Fostering Safe, Respectful, and Inclusive WorkplacesWe believe that People are the key to a sus-tainable future.We are giving full focus on a safe and inclu-sive workplace where everyone can grow and play an active role.and your contributions23McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023IntroductionOur PlanetFood Quality & SourcingCommunity ConnectionDataPeople VisionStriving to become the People PromiseWe value you, your growth, Jobs, Inclusion & Empowerment

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