A diverse crew of different genders, ages, and nationalities work in our restaurants nationwide.We promote a friendly workplace where everyone feels rewarded and provide work opportunities to many people.Number of crew member aged 24 or underTotal number of crew membersApproximately 200,000Senior Crew (60+)Jobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentNumber of non-Japanese crewEmployees with disabilities25McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023 YouthWe are proactively providing work and growth opportunities to youth. Approxi-mately 130,000 crew members or more than 60% under the age of 24 are work-ing at our restaurants. Work experience with people from diverse backgrounds presents a highly valuable experience for youth soon entering the workforce. Work at McDonald’s restaurants and the cur-riculum offered by Hamburger University enable them to develop on-the-job skills such as teamwork and leadership. These portable skills serve them well in the future and prove to be the driving force for youth to play an active role in society. Assessments and classes are arranged for student crew members to improve their fundamental skills as responsible adults. A total of approximately 3 million former part-timers at McDonald’s are now playing an active role in society.In addition, we have partnered with NPOs, boards of education, and other orga-nizations to launch an internship program to drive youth employment. We will continue to support youth, who are the hope of our future.Approximately 130,000Introduction SeniorsSeniors have gained a variety of knowledge and skills in society, and we believe that they are a source of great strength at our workplace. Our crew members of different ages and backgrounds, including youth and seniors, are helping one an-other and working in their own way and style.Approximately 11,500 Homemakers (male & female)At McDonald’s, 1 out of every 5 crew are homemak-ers and we provide a friendly workplace for them. For example, they can work as little as 2 hours a week, and shifts are adjusted on a weekly basis, allowing them the flexibility to work according to their family's needs including housework and childcare. Anyone, regardless of age, can work at McDonald’s and this allows people to work over many years, including those who quit work and return to the workforce after raising children.Our PlanetFood Quality & Sourcing* Figures include compa-ny-operated and franchised restaurants Foreign NationalsCrew members from more than 100 countries work at McDonald’s restaurants and we are develop-ing a workplace where they can put their strengths to work by including support items such as multi-language tablets. We will continue to implement various initiatives to offer working op-portunities to everyone living in Japan.Approximately 18,000Community Connection Hire Crew with DisabilitiesPeople with disabilities also work as crew members. Everyone working at McDon-ald’s are “buddies” and team members, sharing the joy of working together and creating a workplace where they can shine. We are developing a friendly workplace for everyone through the use of a training system that enables each person to steadily make progress and adopting a universal design for orienta-tions and people development kits.* Percentage of company-operated restaurants<As of December 2023>DataDiverse Teams2.3%
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