McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Transfer job posting systemRestaurant staffFranchise staffMcDonald’s JapanFranchise Owner OperatorSupport system to become an independent owner operatorJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentOur compensation system complies with McDonald’s global policies.Compensation levels are set based on individual duties, roles and responsibilities, and market comparisons, so there are no differences in wages based on gender, age, or other factors within the same job. As part of our focus on expanding the con-tinuous growth and contribution of individ-ual staff, persons delivering strong perfor-mance are rewarded with increased pay. Opportunities for pay increases are provid-ed at least once a year for all employment categories. In addition, we research social conditions and compensation of competi-tors, maintain competitive pay, and contin-ue with active hiring to ensure sustainable business growth.Designed as one of the initiatives to support young employees to proactively develop their own careers, the job posting program began in 2022 for compa-ny-operated restaurant employees who joined the company as new graduates within the past three years. The program enables the selected employees to broaden their career outlook and grow as they work at the restaurant support office for 2 years. Career Challenge Job Posting Program28McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023We believe that providing support to take on challenges and grow at the workplace is important to develop competent leaders, encourage individual growth, and foster people to support our future business. Instead of providing a predetermined career path, we offer “Up to You”* career building program where our people can freely choose their dreams and act on their own to ensure satisfying work with a rewarding and fulfilling life.*McDonald’s policy describing the diversity of career choices and growth based on individual effortsMcDonald’s offers a wide variety of career programs so that people can build a career that suits their lifestyle. Systems and programs include an internal job posting system, a job posting system for transfer to a franchisee com-pany, and a support system to become an in-dependent owner operator. Each staff receives a Career Book to provide a wider viewpoint and information on these job opportunities. The number of employees taking on new challenges is increasing every year.IntroductionOur PlanetFood Quality & Sourcingopening system, etc.Community ConnectionDataDataField staffInternal job Office staffDiverse Career ChoicesCareer DevelopmentCompensation SystemInternal Job Posting SystemA variety of open departments and positions are shared with the employees and suitable candidates are selected from among the applicants. Anyone who meets the eligibility and terms for the position can apply. We provide opportunities for our staff to take up the challenge of aiming for and achieving their career goals and working on supporting individuals’ career advancement to ensure having the right people in the right place. In addition, in 2022, we introduced a Career Challenge Job Posting program for company-operated restaurant employees who joined the company as new graduates within the past three years. This program, which is designed to broaden their horizons and help them grow as they work in the office, is used as a new career path for young employees in their career development.A Workplace thatEnables GrowthWorking in a restaurant as a crew with work colleagues offers everyone an opportunity to develop skills such as communication, cooperation, leadership, and other skills that help individuals flourish at different life stag-es. Also, our proprietary training program enables our staff to add knowledge to the experience they gained. Working as a crew offers a unique opportunity to develop these skills and is a key for assisting former crew members to play an active role in a wide range of stages throughout their careers.Office staff can also enhance their abili-ties through work and attend Hamburger University classes or take elective training to develop portable skills that are useful throughout life.

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