All McDonald’s restaurants - more than 40,000 lo-cations - around the globe are expected to imple-ment these standards for restaurant operation.Global Brand Standards focus on four key areas: “Preventing harassment, discrimination, and retaliation,” “Preventing workplace violence,” “Listening through restaurant employee feedback,” and “Protecting employee health and safety.” We are committed to providing safe, respectful, and inclusive workplaces for our staff.It is important to implement these standards anytime and anywhere by each and every staff.The Brand Standards Playbook has been published to describe details of these standards and is distributed to all staff.Orientation and training to prevent harassment, discrim-ination, and retaliation are implemented, and processes and programs, such as the Compliance Hotline, are in place to report harassment and discrimination. We are interested in the issues and opinions of our staff, which is why we conduct a staff survey and stress check annually for all staff to always provide a safe and secure workplace for everyone. In addition, a workplace safety check is con-ducted periodically and issues that cannot be addressed by the restaurant or department alone are shared with relevant departments. Then, the Safety and Health Com-mittee considers and implements specific measures.We respect human rights and give careful attention to avoid any negative impact on the human rights of others, and act with integrity to address any human rights violations that may occur. We strive to become an example of a good corporate citizen through respect for human rights and a broader commitment to sustainability.Jobs, Inclusion & Empowerment29McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023 PlanetFood Quality & SourcingPlease visit our website for more information: ConnectionDataDataMcDonald’s has introduced Global Brand Standards to foster an in-clusive culture where our staff and customers feel safe, and harass-ment or discrimination of any kind is not tolerated. Global Brand StandardsRespecting Human RightsFostering Safe, Respectful, and Inclusive Workplaces
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