McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

“We have an obligation to give back to the community that has always supported us.” Everything we do originates from these words of Ray A. Kroc, the founder of McDon-ald’s. As a member of the community, we aim for the happiness of children and the smiles of our customers, local communities, and society.Community ConnectionWe engage in initiatives including the fostering of a charity culture with the aim of providing mutual aid across soci-ety, activities to nurture children’s “nutrition,” “bodies,” and “minds,” creating a safe and secure neighborhood, and other community contribution activities.Community Connection31 Ronald McDonald House32 Support of Youth Sports33 Activities to Support Children’s Growth & Safety34 Education Support30McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023IntroductionOur PlanetFood Quality & SourcingJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentDataDataCommunity Connection

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