McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Community involvement means supporting and engaging in local community programs and creating a safe and secure neighborhood.McDonald’s supports the Childcare Support Passport Program, pro-moted by both the Japanese gov-ernment and local municipalities.Our Cheeseburger Happy Meal® set is offered at a special price whenever the Childcare Support Passport, issued by individu-al prefectures, is presented upon ordering.Number of Happy Meal sets sold under the Childcare Support Passport Program (2023)Community ConnectionAs a member of the community, in certain areas, we provide Chil-dren's Canteen support upon request and offer other assistance in collaboration with support groups.In the event of a major disaster, we provide relief and support to those affected by the disaster through fundraising at our restaurants and contributions.Turkey-Syria Earthquake (2023)Donation from McDonald’s Japan“McDonald’s Radio University,” in which immi-grants and refugees are invited to speak as “professors,” was organized and played “on air” at McDonald’s restaurants. In 2023, this radio program was played at some restaurants in Tokyo and all restaurants in the Tottori Prefec-ture. Led by PortB and centered on director & artist Akira Takayama and art galleries/muse-ums, this initiative offers learning and discov-ery along with meal enjoyment.33McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023 protect our children in local communities, we part-ner with local police departments to promote the “#110 House for Children,” where they can freely run into McDonald’s restaurants for safety in case of danger or trouble. During the National Traffic Safety Campaign period and other times, we collaborate with local police headquarters to hold crime prevention classes and traf-fic safety classes in addition to producing videos about traffic safety, community safety, and security, and calling out to the community through digital signage in our restaurants. As part of our community watchdog activities, delivery bikes of McDonald’s restaurants in the Hyogo Prefecture are operating as “#110 Bike for Children.” Also, as we do every year, safety whistles were distributed in 2023 to new first-year elementary school students through local education boards and police headquarters.Number of restaurants participating in “#110 House for Children”Number of Distributed Safety Whistles (2023)Our PlanetFood Quality & Sourcing*As of December 2023Jobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentDataChildcareActivities to Support Children’s Growth & SafetySafety and Security InitiativesChildren’s CanteenDisaster Relief DonationMcDonald's Radio University®491,904sets2,365restaurants789,850pieces1,000,000yen

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