Total of 597timesWe offer a wide range of learning opportunities to bring bigger smiles on the faces of children.Supporting food education using our original “Shokuiku no Jikan + (Plus)” teaching materials (2023)Number of times classes and instruction were conducted using our teaching materialsTotal of 19,242studentsNumber of students who attended the classesCommunity Connection34McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023*Number of findings as of December 2023Our PlanetFood Quality & SourcingJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentWe offer programs at nursery schools and elementary schools to teach children about rules and manners necessary for daily life. In addition to traffic safety and crime prevention, SDGs were added in 2022. The programs can be en-joyed either in person or online together with Ronald McDonald in a fun and easy way.We want children to have an oppor-tunity to think “What can I do?” for the planet and society, and with that in mind, we set up visitation classes on the SDGs in selected locations for upper elementary school students.Our staff working at nearby restaurants introduce McDonald’s initiatives in environmental conservation, followed by a class presentation by students on “What we can do for the planet.”DataEducation SupportHello Ronald!Visitation Classeson SDGsFood EducationWe want children to enjoy eating, obtain proper knowledge, and develop good eating habits. Since 2005, McDonald’s has been providing support to elementary schools’ food education classes with the use of a digital teach-ing tool called “Shokuiku no Jikan” developed by McDonald’s.“Shokuiku no Jikan + (Plus)” teaching tool contains seven basics about foods such as correct hand washing, hygiene control, and food waste including information about the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which are also available on our official website and utilized at elementary schools throughout Japan.In 2023, McDonald’s received the Judges’ Special Award at the 7th Nutrition Education Activity Awards conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan for supporting food education using our original “Shokuiku no Jikan + (Plus)” digital teaching tool. Further, to provide an opportunity for families to learn about food, a special website is set up during the summer vacation period to offer a template for a summer research project, a lifestyle picture diary, and it offers videos of crafts using packaging.
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