McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

Who We AreMcDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd.Reporting organization Reporting period Reporting Areas Editor and Contact CSR Reporting ScopeIntroductionInclusionIntegrityFamily4McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023Location Established Capital Business Activities Number of restaurants 2,982Sales Number of employees 6-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-1339, Japan Shinjuku i-Land TowerMay 1, 1971100 million yen The operation of a hamburger restaurant chain and all other relating businesses 777.7 billion yen (total sales of company-operated and franchised restaurants) 2,633 (excluding contract employees) Part-timers Approx. 200,000 (includes both company-operated and franchised restaurants) McDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd. (including McDonald’s Holdings Compa-ny (Japan), Ltd.)January 1 to December 31, 2023Social responsibility in general (Environmental, Social, and Governance)Communication & Corporate Relations Division*Figures are as of December 2023Our PlanetFood Quality & SourcingJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentWe open our doors to everyone.Community ConnectionWe do the right thing.DataWe get better together.customers and people first.ServeWe put our CommunityWe are good neighbors.Making Delicious Feel-Good Moments Easy for EveryoneOur PurposeOur MissionOur ValuesWho We AreFeed and Foster Communities

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