McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

IntroductionTo fulfill our responsibility on different issues surround-ing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), we focus on four areas of impact: Food Quality & Sourcing, Our Planet, Community Connection, and Jobs, Inclu-sion & Empowerment, and work on them by leveraging our strength and scale.Sustainability-related issues are managed and ad-vanced by Sustainability & ESG Department and supervised by VP & Officer of Communication & CR Di-vision. The Sustainability & ESG Department compiles the progress and status of individual initiatives that are being implemented, and formulates company-wide strategies and plans relating to sustainability. Compiled information on ESG initiatives is reported to the CEO via the VP in charge and also to the Board of Directors periodically (once a year or more).McDonald’s endeavors to maximize the interests of all stakeholders including shareholders, customers, staff, franchisees, and suppliers. We believe that it is import-ant to enhance the transparency and efficiency of our business operations and realize sustainable enhance-ment of the McDonald’s Group’s corporate value. To this end, we separate the management decision-mak-ing and supervisory functions from the business exe-cution functions, ensure the establishment of a timely, accurate, and efficient management and execution system, and work to achieve highly transparent man-agement with the participation of external directors.6McDonald’s Sustainability Report 2023That’s what we believe, and that’s why we will con-tinue to offer safe, secure, and high-quality meals.We take climate action seriously. We support the daily lives of everyone in the com-munity.We increase opportunities for all people to work and grow.We will continue to feed and foster our communi-ties and keep moving forward.Our PlanetFood Quality & SourcingThe Enterprise Risk Management Committee identifies, evaluates, and manages all risks, including compliance risks. In principle, the Enterprise Risk Management Committee meets quarterly, with additional meetings held when it is deemed necessary to discuss significant risks on a case-by-case basis, and reports on its activities to the Board of Directors regularly (once a year in principle).Jobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentCommunity ConnectionPlease visit our website for more information:Please also refer to “Our Approach and Actions Toward Sustainability,” which is also included in the Annual Securities Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 (disclosed on March 27, 2024): take climate action seriously—for our planet and the future.We increase opportuni-ties for all people to work and grow.We will continue to offer safe, secure, and high-quality meals.We support the daily lives of people in the community.すべては、おいしさと笑顔を地域の皆さまにお届けするために。Sustainability StrategyGovernanceBusiness ResilienceOur PlanetJobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentThe Four Impact AreasSDG-Focused TargetsFood Quality & SourcingCommunity ConnectionTogether with you for a better futureMcDonald’s welcomes many customers every day and serves meals, which means that as a commu-nity member, we have a responsibility to address global issues.Sustainability Policy and Strategy

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