McD_Sustainability Report En 2023

3million2023 HighlightsP24We aim to realize a workplace where people from diverse backgrounds can take an active role, be true to themselves and grow, and feel positive at work.Number of crew members aged 24 or underApproximately 130,000Senior Crew (60+)ApproximatelyTotal number of crew membersApproximatelyNumber of non-Japanese crewApproximatelyEmployees with disabilitiesIntroduction*Company-operated staff (full-time employees and crew)Return to work rate after parental leaveTotal number of employees (full-time employees)MaleStaff engagementGender ratioFemaleTurnover rateMale childcare leave ratePercentage of female restaurant managersTotal monthly average overtime hours among full-time employeesP29We’ve adopted Global Brand Standards to foster safe, respectful and inclusive workplaces based on Our Values.Percentage of female executivesPercent-age of female managers2030 target40%Paid leave rateNumber of staff that took maternity, childcare, and nursing care leaveNumber of employees and crew members tak-ing classes at Hamburger University a yearApproximately Adults with crew experienceApproximately P27We offer opportunities to grow through day-to-day training and professional educational institutions and support the “Up to You” career building program where the sky is the limit based on em-ployees’ own choices and efforts.9*Percentage of company-operated restaurantsOur PlanetFood Quality & Sourcing*Percentage of full-time & company-operated restaurant staff in 2023*Full-time employees of company-operated restaurants (McDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd.)Jobs, Inclusion & EmpowermentCommunity ConnectionData<As of December 2023>Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)32.7%Fostering Safe, Respectful, and Inclusive Workplaces29.4%25.5%Talent Development & CareerJobs, Inclusion & Empowerment11,500200,00018,0002.3%62.0%2,63389%100%38.0%6.2%29%18.4 hours57.1%10514,000

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